Discover Your Purpose

Pursue Your Purpose

Live Your Purpose

Discover Your Purpose

Discover God’s unique purpose for your life.

If your life truly revolved around God’s purpose for you, how would it look?

Discover your purpose

According to the Bible, a Christ-centered life overflows with love for God and others. It has good works and the fruits of the spirit. A Christ-centered life is a purposeful life. Which is great, but… how on earth do you find it—or live it out?

Finding your purpose in a giant, chaotic world like ours can be challenging, to say the least. But ideally, discerning your God-given purpose should be exhilarating, not discouraging. That’s where iPurpose comes in.

Over the course of our program, you’ll dive into what the Bible has to say about you—yes, you, individually. You’ll learn how to unpack what God has written for you in the scriptures, how to live out the Great Commission in a practical way, and how to set goals and benchmarks for your own, new, purposeful life.

Sign up for an intro webinar. Find out what iPurpose is all about and how we can help you discover and fulfill your unique God-given purpose.

Discovering God’s Purpose for You—and only You!

Guess what. It’s not about you! And yet, it’s all about you. It’s about God, and God is all about you. It’s about pursuing purpose—together.

Get Started

Living your personal God-given purpose

Have you surrendered all—or just some? Are you a purpose-driven doer—or just dabbler? When we go all-in for God, we go all-out in life.

Begin your journey

Pursuing purpose—together

Connect with a trusted group of intentional believers. Be blessed and be a blessing to others. Be a part of God’s big plan by pursuing His purpose for your life.

Grow together

Discovering God’s Purpose for You—and only You!
Living your personal God-given purpose
Pursuing purpose—together

You’re not a demographic or psychographic. You’re a one and only — made in the image of God.

How personal is personal?

You may be thinking, “That’s great, but I’ve heard all this before. There are books about finding your purpose on everyshelf at the bookstore. How is iPurpose any different?”

Well, iPurpose is, at its core, about finding your personal, individual, one-of-a-kind, unique to YOU purpose. This kind of purpose is God-given. And once you find it, itradically alters the shape of your life. The books, the DVDs, the self-help gurus, they speak to the general purpose for man and woman. They may help you become a better person, but not THE person God has created you to be. And that, my friends, is what makes iPurpose so amazing. Start the journey with us to discover your unique, God-given purpose.

Journeying since 1999

“iPurpose helped me realize that each of our lives is a ministry. We set business plans in our careers—why not a Life Ministry Plan for God?”

Don B., Engineer, Product Manager

“This ministry was a turning point in my spiritual walk with Christ at work. Sharing the successes and failures of others every week as we all tried to live our faith walk, was invaluable.”

Jack S., Orthopedic Surgeon

“iPurpose helped me realize my unique heart for loving others and my strengths for serving the Lord. It gave me a desire to keep listening and staying open to God’s will for me.”

Judy S., Social Worker

“It redefined and shifted my paradigm in my everyday life then, and now, as the Life Ministry Plan serves as a tangible reminder of this discovery and of our group’s time together. Without this experience, my life would not have been so challenging, rich, and blessed.”

Todd S., Sales Consultant

“Pursuing purpose with others led me to a life-changing time of spiritual growth. It helped me to recognize more clearly the Lord’s caring presence in my daily life, and to identify and use my spiritual gifts.”

Marilyn N., Journalist

“Before I created my Life Ministry Plan, I was not purposeful in thinking about my life as a method of discipleship. Creating the Life Ministry Plan forced me to identify my Gifts, confront my lack of planning on how to use my God-given gifts to further His work, and HAVE a real plan on how that might happen. It changed how I interfaced with business associates and friends.”

John L., National Sales Manager

“iPurpose showed me that it is not the nature of my work that makes it holy, i.e., pastor or missionary. But the nature of my relationship with God that makes everything I do holy.”

Chip H., National Sales Manager

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